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Van Isle Goodness
Words by Dan Gronross. Photos by Dan Barham.
The sun is setting earlier and according to Environment Canada we, as residents of British Columbia, should be expecting rain, snow and bleak greyness for the foreseeable future. In a personal effort to thwart the mere thought of winter, I asked Dan Barham along for a trip to southern Vancouver Island on what I thought was going to be one of the last sunny weekends of the year. Full Boar Challenge stowaway and good friend Ken Perras had promised us some great south Vancouver Island riding, some of which can be accessed year round depending on the weather and freezing level.En definitiva, que vos recoman sa web, es videos i ses fotos que hi podreu trobar. Una canya.
2 comentaris:
Bones a tots al.lots.
Hem sap breu pero he estat una mica desconectat. vaig molt liat amb la feina.
Estic d´acort amb aplaçar la torrada per un altre cap de setmana. no ens la podem jugar amb aquest temps.
Que teniu pensat fer aquest dissabte?
Per cert si posau aquestes fotos i aquests videos em deprimesc bastant.Aixo ho hauriem de veure tots plegats abans de fer una sortida d aquestes radicals. No ho trobau? Tot i que pot esser una mica perillos.
jajajajajaja TOOOOOOTEEEEEEMMM no te desanimis, tot lo contrari TOOOOOTEEEMMMM!!!
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