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dimecres, 23 d’octubre del 2013

IMPORTANT: Problemes detectats amb FOX 2013 Evolution Series

Vos pas aquesta noticia que he considerat molt important. Concretament, s'ha detectat una partida de forques Fox defectuoses. Són models de 120 fins 160mm de recorregut. Es perill és greu, ja que se poden SEPARAR SES BOTELLES DE SES BARRES i te pots pegar una castanya important. Per ara, només hi ha hagut un afectat.

Vos pas un text explicatiu (anglès) on principalment explica on trobar s'identificador de sa forca i un link on te diu si pot estar afectada per aquest problema o no. Si està afectada, ja la podeu dur cap a sa botiga.


Do You Have an Evolution Series Fork?
• Evolution Series appears on the largest left and right decals

Other Distinguishing Characteristics
• Fork Colors: Black ,White or Green
• Remote or non-remote
• Travel: 120mm-160mm
• Decal Colors: Black & White with Silver, Grey, and custom PMS color combinations that
are coordinated with the bike's color scheme

What to Do
• Locate the fork's ID code on the backside of its left lower leg.
• Enter the ID code in the interactive form at
• You will then be guided through the upgrade process step-by-step
• The next step, if your fork is identified as possibly needing an upgrade, will be to locate the serial number stamped on the underside of the crown. You will need to remove your front wheel to get this information. You may also need to clean this area depending on your bike's use. If it's a remote fork, you'll need to remove the cable hanger to see the entire serial number. Please also note that the numbers 0, 3, and, 8 can look very similar.

If you can confirm that your Evolution Forks are subject to this recall, please contact FOX for instructions to arrange a free repair. Please also contact FOX if you are unable to utilize the interactive upgrade instructions on the web:
• Toll-free: 855-360-3488 (M-F, 8am – 5pm, PT)

Heu de mirar s'ID i comprovar a que no tengui perill sa forca.